Run example D-Claw simulations

In order to provide examples of using digger.analyze and, we need some D-Claw output. This section describes how to set up and run two example simulations used to describe typical usage.

As an alternative to running the example simulations, precomputed output is provided within the digger/data directory. The file associated with each example is named <example-name> For example, the file associated with the example digger/examples/post-run/barry_arm is in digger/data/ Place the required zip file into the experiment directory and unzip it before running any example code.

Install D-Claw

Installing D-Claw requires getting the source code for Clawpack and D-Claw, having a fortran compiler, and setting environment variables. To run the examples, you will also need to install digger.

D-Claw will not work on Windows. It should work on Mac, Linux, and WSL.

Clone repositories

First, clone the source code. You likely want to do this outside of the digger directory and in a place you store source code.

git clone
cd clawpack
git submodule init
git submodule update
git clone

Set environment variables

Running D-Claw, or any Clawpack application requires that the following two environment variables be set.


If you typically have other elements of your python path, the CLAW variable may be appended.


These environment variables must be set in every terminal window you use D-Claw from.

Get a fortran compiler that works on your machine

You need a fortran compiler that works on your machine. On Mac OSX, we recommend using Homebrew.

brew install gcc

On WSL this may be accomplished using apt-get or similar package management tools.

apt-get gcc

Create an environment and install digger

The general installation instructions for digger are located here. Here we briefly summarize one approach that will work for both digger and D-Claw.

First, create a python 3.11 environment. We have found this version to be compatible with all other dependencies. You may find other python versions also work. We also install ffpmeg here rather than with pip because we have found that the conda-forge distribution works better than those distributed by pip. ffmpeg is used by D-Claw to make animations.

conda create -n myenv -c conda-forge python=3.11 ffmpeg
cd \path\to\digger\directory
pip install -e .

Compile D-Claw

Navigate to one of the digger example directories (digger/examples/post-run/<example-name>) and compile D-Claw by executing the following:

make new

To see all of the options defined in the D-Claw makefile execute:

make help

Run the simulation

Assuming that compilation has executed successfully, you should have a file called xgeoclaw in the example directory. To run the example, you will run five commands.

make input

The first command executes a file This file contains digger commands that generate D-Claw format input files generated using digger.make functions.

make input

make .data

The second command uses the file to generate required D-Claw input files that end in ‘.data’. This file is a standard Clawpack input file and more information about its contents may be found here.

This step includes checking that any topography or material thickness files needed to run the simulation exist.

make .data

make .output

The third command uses the .data files and conducts the D-Claw simulation, generating output (located in the _output directory).

make .output

make .plots

The fourth command uses the file to generate plots based on D-Claw output. Similar to the file, the file is a standard Clawpack file. It specifies how to plot using the visclaw tools.

make .plots

This command will make a large number of plots in the _plots directory and also generate some *mp4 animations.

make postprocess

The final command executes the file and conducts postprocessing analysis with digger.analyze and functions.

make postprocess

Description of two example simulations

Two examples are provided.

Barry Arm

The first example is from Prince William Sound, Alaska, and simulates the Barry Arm landslide. It is similar to simulations presented in Barnhart et al. (2021).

This example is used to highlight digger.analyze functions.

Mt. Tahn

The second example is for a synthetic landscape. It has topography that slopes down from left to right based on a hyperbolic tangent function. A 1-m deep slab of debris-flow material is placed between X=100 and X=300, and Y=200, and Y=400.

This example is used to highlight functions.


Barnhart, K.R., Jones, R.P., George, D.L., Coe, J.A., and Staley, D.M., 2021, Preliminary assessment of the wave generating potential from landslides at Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, no. 2021–1071,