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Create a dtopotype 1 file based on a set of gridded output.


digger.utils.dtopo.nc2dtopo(wdir: str = '.', output_type: str = 'fgout', gdir: str = '_output', dtopo_file: str = 'out.dtopo', tmax: float = None, dh_min: float = 0, epsg: int = None) None

Create a dtopotype 1 file based on a set of gridded output.

One option for initializing a Geoclaw or D-Claw simulation is to use a dtopo file that specifies the vertical displacement of the basal topographic surface.

If one has run a landslide simulation without an ocean and then wants to use the vertical displacement due to landslide motion to initialize a second simulation containing an initially flat ocean, one needs to convert the output of the first simulation into a dtopo file. This function accomplishes that task.

Details regarding the dtopo file format can be found in the clawpack documentation.


Working directory within which D-Claw was run. This directory is expected to contain the standard .data files associated with a clawpack run.


Type of gridded output. Options are "fgout", indicating clawpack fgout-style output that will be read using the xarray FGOutBackend. Alternatively, "netcdf4" indicates netcdf files.

netcdfs are expected to have the variables for depth (h), surface elevation (eta), depth times x-directed velocity (hu), depth times y-directed velocity (hv), and depth times solid fraction (hm).

If bing==True then hm is not used and it is assumed that all material is landslide material.


The name of the directory within wdir that contains the gridded output files.


The path where you want the dtopo file written.


The maximum time from the first simulation that you want considered for the dtopo file. Output from the first simulation with t>`tmax` will not be used.


The minimum change in the topographic surface anywhere in the simulation needed to write a dtopo file.


The EPSG code of the simulation.


The only output is the file specified by dtopo_file.