Module Contents¶
This function takes as arguments a single arrival time (t0) and eta array, both of which can be derived from gauge2ts output, as well as the total simulation length and the constant sample rate of the input data. It then calculates the frequency spectrum of the data and outputs frequency domain data as well as a spectrogram (window length can be modified if desired) of the full time series, including simulation time prior to wave arrival. |
- digger.analyze.spectrogram.spectrogram(t0, simlength, eta, samprate, gauge, window=1000, waterlevel=0, plot=False, plotname='spectrum', plotform='png', dpi=210, outdir=None)¶
This function takes as arguments a single arrival time (t0) and eta array, both of which can be derived from gauge2ts output, as well as the total simulation length and the constant sample rate of the input data. It then calculates the frequency spectrum of the data and outputs frequency domain data as well as a spectrogram (window length can be modified if desired) of the full time series, including simulation time prior to wave arrival.
Uses wave arrival time (t0) and amplitude array (eta) to generate a frequency series and spectrogram (using fast Fourier transform) for spectral analysis of wave data. A detrended (simple) time series is also output. The default values are tailored toward analysis of water wave data, but can be adapted for any wave type.
This analysis requires that input data be equally-spaced in time corresponding to the provided sample rate. The accompanying function, gauge2ts, can perform this task.
Any time between the start of the simulation (t=0) and the time of wave arrival (it is assumed that t[0] != 0) is padded with zeros at the defined sample rate. This enables an accurate depiction of the frequency domain from the start of the simulation.
- Inputs:
- t0:
float value for the time of wave arrival (i.e., time of first non-zero eta value in the simulation)
- simlength:
total length (seconds) of simulation from initiation (t=0) to conclusion; this is independent of t0, i.e., if the simulation runs from 0 to 3600 seconds, even if the wave doesn’t arrive at a given gage until t0=t seconds, simlength will always be 3600 seconds
- eta:
numpy 1-D array containing wave amplitudes
- samprate:
sample rate (Hz) of input data
- gauge:
number or name of source gage, used only for labels in plotting
- window:
window length in seconds for fast Fourier transform (default: 1000)
- waterlevel:
baseline amplitude, e.g., sea level (default: 0)
- plot:
boolean, whether to output plots (default: False)
- plotname:
name for output plot (without extension), required if plot=True
- plotform:
format for output plot, required if plot=True
- dpi:
dots per inch resolution of the output plot
- outdir:
directory for output plot, if desired (default: None); if left as default, figures will output to current working directory
- Outputs:
- times:
numpy 1-D array containing sampling times (in seconds)
- amps:
numpy 1-D array containing wave amplitudes for each instance of times
- xf:
numpy 1-D array containing sampled frequencies in the FFT
- yf:
numpy 1-D array containing normalized transformed amplitudes