Source code for gmprocess.waveform_processing.zero_pad

"""Module for zero pad processing step."""

import inspect

import numpy as np

from gmprocess.waveform_processing.processing_step import processing_step
from gmprocess.waveform_processing.filtering import highpass_filter

[docs] @processing_step def zero_pad(st, length="fhp", config=None): """Add zero pads to streams. Args: st (StationStream): Stream of data. length (float, str): The length (in sec) to pad with zeros before and after the trace, or "fhp" to compute the zero pad length from the filter order and the highpass corner as `1.5 * filter_order / flc`. config (dict): Configuration dictionary (or None). See get_config(). Returns: StationStream: Streams with the zero padding applied. """ if not st.passed: return st use_fhp = False if length == "fhp": use_fhp = True psteps = list(config["processing"]) filter_order = None # Getting filter order is a bit complicated. First check the config to see if it # is set there, and if not get the default value from the filter function. for pstep in psteps: if ( ("highpass_filter" in pstep) and (pstep["highpass_filter"] is not None) and ("filter_order" in pstep["highpass_filter"]) ): filter_order = pstep["highpass_filter"]["filter_order"] if filter_order is None: # If filter order is not set in config, then it will use the default # argument value. hp_sig = inspect.signature(highpass_filter) for func_arg, val in hp_sig.parameters.items(): if func_arg == "filter_order": filter_order = val.default # Need to use a consistent fhp for all traces in stream so that the number of # points is constant. fhps = [] for tr in st: freq_dict = tr.get_parameter("corner_frequencies") fhps.append(freq_dict["highpass"]) fhp = np.min(fhps) for tr in st: if tr.passed: if use_fhp: # Need to hand off half the length becasue it is added to both sides # (0.75 instead of 1.5, equation from Converse and Brady, 1992) length = 0.75 * filter_order / fhp tr.zero_pad(length=length) return st
[docs] @processing_step def strip_zero_pad(st, config=None): """Remove zero pads from streams. Args: st (StationStream): Stream of data. config (dict): Configuration dictionary (or None). See get_config(). Returns: StationStream: Streams with the zero padding removed. """ if not st.passed: return st for tr in st: tr.strip_zero_pad() return st