Adding New Data Readers

Most of the difficulty in writing data file readers for the various formats supported by gmprocess comes in handling the various types of headers and inconsistencies in adherence to the various standards. Here we’ll be removing those from the equation and presenting a semi-idealized data format and some code to read it.

The Format

Source: Complete Strong Motion Network
Network: CS
Station: ABCD
Station Latitude: 32.443343
Station Longitude: -127.753918
Station Elevation (m): 10.0
Instrument: Acme Strong Motion Sensor
Serial Number: 123456
Units: cm/s^2
Structure Type: Free field sensor
Channel 1 Horizontal Orientation: 0
Channel 2 Horizontal Orientation: 90
Channel 3 Horizontal Orientation: 0
Vertical Channel: 3
Samples: 10
Record Start Time: 2019-05-01 12:34:56.010
Sampling Rate (Hz): 100
   0.001     0.011     0.021
   0.002     0.012     0.022
   0.003     0.013     0.023
   0.004     0.014     0.024
   0.005     0.015     0.025
   0.006     0.016     0.026
   0.007     0.017     0.027
   0.008     0.018     0.028
   0.009     0.019     0.029
   0.010     0.020     0.030

The Code

The sample module below has been tested with the above data, and can be used as a template for writing a data reader for a new format. This data format is (as it’s name implies) complete in terms of the information required to construct a StationStream object. Real-world formats may not be as complete. The bare minimum information needed to construct a StationStream of minimal use includes:

  • Station code

  • Station horizontal coordinates

  • Some indication of the input units

  • Sampling rate or sampling interval

  • Distinction between horizontal and vertical channels

  • Either a channel orientation (0-360) or some indication of what is E-W and N-S

Record start time is strongly desired, but a “NaN” record start time value of 1970-01-01 00:00:00 will be inserted by ObsPy if not supplied.

The code below contains comments that should be useful as guides when writing your own reader. A finished reader with tests and data should be organized as below.

Assumptions: The event ID associated with this record is csabcd1234.

  • gmprocess->io->complete-> (the code below)

  • tests->gmprocess->io->complete-> (test code for

  • gmprocess->data->testdata->complete->csabcd1234->complete.dat (at least one example of the file format)

  • gmprocess->data->testdata->complete->event.json->event.json (JSON file containing basic event information):

   "id": "csabcd1234",
   "time": "2019-05-01T12:34:55.010",
   "lat": 32.443,
   "lon": -127.753,
   "depth": 20.0,
   "magnitude": 6.0
#!/usr/bin/env python

# stlib imports
import os.path

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime

# local imports
from gmprocess.core.stationtrace import StationTrace
from gmprocess.core.stationstream import StationStream
from import get_channel_name, is_channel_north

SOURCE_TYPE = 'Complete Strong Motion Network'

def is_complete(filename):
    '''Determine whether input file is from the Complete Strong Motion Network.

        filename (str):
            Input candidate Complete format file.
            True if input file matches the Complete format, False otherwise.
        with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
            lines = [next(f) for x in range(TEXT_HDR_ROWS)]
        if lines[0].split(':')[1].strip() == SOURCE_TYPE:
            return True
        return False
    except Exception:
        return False

def read_complete(filename):
    '''Read file in the Complete file format, return a list of one StationStream.

        filename (str):
            Input candidate Complete format file.
        list: Sequence of one StationStream object.
    # it is probably a good idea to separate the reading of the
    # header information from the reading of the data
    header = _read_header(filename)
    stats = _get_stats(header)

    # Reading FORTRAN formatted fixed-width column data is simple
    # thanks to the numpy genfromtxt() method.
    # if the data is in units other than gals (c/s^2), perform
    # the appropriate conversion here.
    data = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=TEXT_HDR_ROWS)

    # We subclassed the Obspy Trace object to carry around
    # more metadata and also perform some validation.
    # Here we construct three traces from each of the
    # three columns of data and the relevant header info
    trace1 = _get_channel_trace(1, header, stats, data)
    trace2 = _get_channel_trace(2, header, stats, data)
    trace3 = _get_channel_trace(1, header, stats, data)

    # We have also subclassed the Obspy Stream object
    stream = StationStream(traces=[trace1, trace2, trace3])

    # All readers should return a list of StationStream objects, since
    # some formats contain records from multiple stations in one file.
    return [stream]

def _read_header(filename):
    # read in the text header lines, turn them into a dictionary.
    header = {}
    with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
        lines_read = 0
        while lines_read < TEXT_HDR_ROWS:
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.split(':')
            header[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip()

   return header

def _get_stats(header):
    # fill in the Obspy stats dictionary with the data described here:
    # Also add two sub-dictionaries, "standard" and "coordinates".
    # "standard" is meant to hold metadata we discovered to be common
    # among many formats. "coordinates" is meant to hold latitude,
    # longitude, and elevation of the station. In Obspy, this type of
    # information is commonly kept in the Inventory object:
    stats = {}
    stats['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(header['Record Start Time'])
    stats['sampling_rate'] = float(header['Sampling Rate (Hz)'])
    stats['npts'] = int(header['Samples'])
    stats['station'] = header['Station']
    stats['network'] = header['Network']

    standard = {}
    standard['source'] = header['Source']
    standard['instrument'] = header['Instrument']
    standard['sensor_serial_number'] = header['Serial Number']
    head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
    standard['source_file'] = tail or os.path.basename(head)
    standard['process_level'] = 'uncorrected physical units'
    standard['units'] = 'acc'
    standard['source_format'] = 'complete'
    standard['instrument_damping'] = np.nan
    standard['structure_type'] = ''
    standard['comments'] = ''
    standard['corner_frequency'] = np.nan
    standard['instrument_period'] = np.nan
    standard['station_name'] = ''
    standard['process_time'] = ''

    coordinates = {}
    coordinates['latitude'] = header['Station Latitude']
    coordinates['longitude'] = header['Station Longitude']
    coordinates['elevation'] = header['Station Elevation (m)']

    stats['standard'] = standard.copy()
    stats['coordinates'] = coordinates.copy()

    return stats

def _get_channel_trace(channel_number, header,
                       stats, data):
    # Create a StationTrace object from the given channel number
    # and input metadata and data.
    channel_stats = stats.copy()
    orientation = float(
        header['Channel %i Horizontal Orientation' % channel_number])
    channel_stats['standard']['horizontal_orientation'] = orientation
    is_vertical = header['Vertical Channel'] == channel_number
    is_north = is_channel_north(orientation)
    channel_stats['channel'] = get_channel_name(
    channelidx = channel_number - 1
    trace = StationTrace(data=data[:, channelidx], header=channel_stats)
    return trace