Source code for gmprocess.waveform_processing.snr

"""Module for signal-to-noise-ratio calculations."""

import numpy as np
from obspy.signal.util import next_pow_2

from gmprocess.waveform_processing.fft import compute_and_smooth_spectrum
from gmprocess.waveform_processing.spectrum import brune_f0, moment_from_magnitude
from gmprocess.waveform_processing.processing_step import processing_step
from import duration_from_magnitude

# Options for tapering noise/signal windows
TAPER_TYPE = "hann"
TAPER_SIDE = "both"

[docs] @processing_step def compute_snr(st, event, smoothing_parameter=20.0, config=None): """Compute SNR dictionaries for a stream, looping over all traces. Args: st (StationStream): Trace of data. event (ScalarEvent): ScalarEvent object. smoothing_parameter (float): Konno-Omachi smoothing bandwidth parameter. config (dict): Configuration dictionary (or None). See get_config(). Returns: StationStream: With SNR dictionaries added as trace parameters. """ for tr in st: # Require that units are accel if tr.stats.standard.units_type != "acc":"Unit type must be acc to compute SNR.") continue # Do we have estimates of the signal split time? compute_snr_trace(tr, event.magnitude, smoothing_parameter) return st
[docs] @processing_step def snr_check( st, mag, threshold=2.0, min_freq="f0", max_freq=5.0, f0_options={"stress_drop": 10, "shear_vel": 3.7, "ceiling": 2.0, "floor": 0.1}, config=None, ): """Check signal-to-noise ratio. Requires noise/signal windowing to have succeeded. Args: st (StationStream): Trace of data. mag (float): Earthquake magnitude. threshold (float): Threshold SNR value. min_freq (float or str): Minimum frequency for threshold to be exeeded. If 'f0', then the Brune corner frequency will be used. max_freq (float): Maximum frequency for threshold to be exeeded. smoothing_parameter (float): Konno-Omachi smoothing bandwidth parameter. f0_options (dict): Dictionary of f0 options (see config file). config (dict): Configuration dictionary (or None). See get_config(). Returns: trace: Trace with SNR check. """ for tr in st: if tr.has_cached("snr"): snr_dict = tr.get_cached("snr") snr = np.array(snr_dict["snr"]) freq = np.array(snr_dict["freq"]) # If min_freq is 'f0', then compute Brune corner frequency if min_freq == "f0": min_freq = brune_f0( moment_from_magnitude(mag), f0_options["stress_drop"], f0_options["shear_vel"], ) if min_freq < f0_options["floor"]: min_freq = f0_options["floor"] if min_freq > f0_options["ceiling"]: min_freq = f0_options["ceiling"] # Check if signal criteria is met mask = (freq >= min_freq) & (freq <= max_freq) if np.any(mask): min_snr = np.min(snr[mask]) else: min_snr = 0 if min_snr < threshold:"Failed SNR check.") snr_conf = {"threshold": threshold, "min_freq": min_freq, "max_freq": max_freq} tr.set_parameter("snr_conf", snr_conf) return st
def compute_snr_trace(tr, event_magnitude, smoothing_parameter=20.0): """Compute SNR dictionaries for a trace. Args: event_magnitude (float): Earthquake magnitude. smoothing_parameter (float): Konno-Omachi smoothing bandwidth parameter. """ def _compute_event_spectra( preevent_noise_spectrum, event_spectrum, dur_preevent, dur_event ): """Compute noise and signal spectra from event spectrum using pre-event noise spectrum to estimate the event noise spectrum. Assumptions: - Noise amplitudes scale as sqrt(duration) - Noise is stationary and so duration is the length of the prevent window (prevent_noise) and and event window (event noise). event_spectrum = event_noise_spectrum + event_signal_spectrum Noise is stationary => noise spectra normalized by duration are equal -> pre-event noise spectrum / sqrt(pre-event duration) = event noise spectra / sqrt(event duration) """ event_noise_spectrum = ( preevent_noise_spectrum * np.sqrt(dur_event) / np.sqrt(dur_preevent) ) signal_spectrum = event_spectrum - event_noise_spectrum return (event_noise_spectrum, signal_spectrum) if tr.has_parameter("signal_split"): # Split the noise and signal into two separate traces split_prov = tr.get_parameter("signal_split") if isinstance(split_prov, list): split_prov = split_prov[0] split_time = split_prov["split_time"] preevent_noise = tr.copy().trim(endtime=split_time) event = tr.copy().trim(starttime=split_time) tr.set_cached( "preevent_noise_trace", {"times": preevent_noise.times(), "data":}, ) # Need to ensure consistency of the assumed duration for normalizing the SNR # with the actual windowed duration of the event window. dur_shaking = duration_from_magnitude(event_magnitude) tr.set_parameter("signal_spectrum", {"duration": dur_shaking}) dur_event = event.stats.endtime - event.stats.starttime if dur_shaking < dur_event: event.trim(endtime=event.stats.starttime + dur_shaking) dur_event = dur_shaking else: dur_shaking = dur_event # Detrend preevent_noise.detrend("demean") event.detrend("demean") # Taper both windows preevent_noise.taper( max_percentage=TAPER_WIDTH, type=TAPER_TYPE, side=TAPER_SIDE ) event.taper(max_percentage=TAPER_WIDTH, type=TAPER_TYPE, side=TAPER_SIDE) # Check that there are a minimum number of points in the noise window if preevent_noise.stats.npts < MIN_POINTS_IN_WINDOW: # Fail the trace, but still compute the event spectra # ** only fail here if it hasn't already failed; we do not yet # ** support tracking multiple fail reasons and I think it is # ** better to know the FIRST reason if I have to pick one. if tr.passed:"SNR check; Not enough points in noise window") compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, smoothing_parameter, "event") return tr # Check that there are a minimum number of points in the event window if event.stats.npts < MIN_POINTS_IN_WINDOW: # Fail the trace, but still compute the event spectra if tr.passed:"SNR check; Not enough points in event window") compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, smoothing_parameter, "event") return tr nfft = max( next_pow_2(event.stats.npts), next_pow_2(preevent_noise.stats.npts), ) compute_and_smooth_spectrum( tr, smoothing_parameter, "noise", preevent_noise, nfft=nfft ) compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, smoothing_parameter, "event", event, nfft=nfft) # Noise, event, and signal durations. # # - Pre-event noise duration is the pre-event window duration. # - Event noise duration is the event window duration. # - Ground motions at these frequencies are approximately white noise, and thus # also scale as sqrt(duration); ground motion is not stationary, so we'll use # the duration estimated from the earthquake magnitude. dur_preevent = preevent_noise.stats.endtime - preevent_noise.stats.starttime # Compute noise and signal spectra. preevent_noise_spectrum = tr.get_cached("noise_spectrum")["spec"] event_spectrum = tr.get_cached("event_spectrum")["spec"] event_noise_spectrum, signal_spectrum = _compute_event_spectra( preevent_noise_spectrum, event_spectrum, dur_preevent, dur_event ) tr.set_cached( "noise_spectrum", { "spec": event_noise_spectrum, "freq": tr.get_cached("noise_spectrum")["freq"], }, ) tr.set_parameter("noise_spectrum", {"duration": dur_preevent}) tr.set_cached( "signal_spectrum", { "spec": signal_spectrum, "freq": tr.get_cached("event_spectrum")["freq"], }, ) # Compute smooth noise and signal. smooth_preevent_noise_spectrum = tr.get_cached("smooth_noise_spectrum")["spec"] smooth_event_spectrum = tr.get_cached("smooth_event_spectrum")["spec"] smooth_event_noise_spectrum, smooth_signal_spectrum = _compute_event_spectra( smooth_preevent_noise_spectrum, smooth_event_spectrum, dur_preevent, dur_event, ) tr.set_cached( "smooth_noise_spectrum", { "spec": smooth_event_noise_spectrum, "freq": tr.get_cached("smooth_noise_spectrum")["freq"], }, ) tr.set_cached( "smooth_signal_spectrum", { "spec": smooth_signal_spectrum, "freq": tr.get_cached("smooth_event_spectrum")["freq"], }, ) smooth_event_noise_normspectrum = smooth_event_noise_spectrum / np.sqrt( dur_preevent ) smooth_signal_normspectrum = smooth_signal_spectrum / np.sqrt(dur_shaking) snr = smooth_signal_normspectrum / smooth_event_noise_normspectrum tr.set_cached( "snr", { "snr": snr, "freq": tr.get_cached("smooth_event_spectrum")["freq"], }, ) else: # We do not have an estimate of the event split time for this trace compute_and_smooth_spectrum(tr, smoothing_parameter, "event") return tr