Source code for gmprocess.waveform_processing.instrument_response

"""Methods for handling instrument response."""

import logging

import numpy as np
from gmprocess.core.stationtrace import PROCESS_LEVELS
from gmprocess.utils import constants
from gmprocess.waveform_processing.processing_step import processing_step
from pint import UnitRegistry

ABBREV_UNITS = {"ACC": "cm/s^2", "VEL": "cm/s", "DISP": "cm"}

unit_registry = UnitRegistry(on_redefinition="ignore")

# Tell the registry to treat the units of "count" as having dimensions of "count"
# rather than being dimensionless (which is the default).
unit_registry.define("count = [count] = _ = _")

# lower case all input units before checking
    "none.specified": None,
    # linear measures
    "m": unit_registry.meter,
    "cm": unit_registry.centimeter,
    "mm": unit_registry.nanometer,
    "nm": unit_registry.nanometer,
    "v": unit_registry.volt,
    # volts/counts
    "volt": unit_registry.volt,
    "volts": unit_registry.volt,
    "count": unit_registry.count,
    "counts": unit_registry.count,
    # rates
    "m/s": unit_registry.meter / unit_registry.second,
    "cm/s": unit_registry.centimeter / unit_registry.second,
    "mm/s": unit_registry.millimeter / unit_registry.second,
    "nm/s": unit_registry.nanometer / unit_registry.second,
    # accelerations
    "m/s**2": unit_registry.meter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "cm/s**2": unit_registry.centimeter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "mm/s**2": unit_registry.millimeter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "nm/s**2": unit_registry.nanometer / unit_registry.second**2,
    "m/s/s": unit_registry.meter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "cm/s/s": unit_registry.centimeter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "mm/s/s": unit_registry.millimeter / unit_registry.second**2,
    "nm/s/s": unit_registry.nanometer / unit_registry.second**2,

# Taper width for tapering velocity before differentiating

[docs] @processing_step def pre_filter(st, lp_factor=0.8, hp_freq=0.05, corners=20): """Filters to be applied prior to instrument response removal. Using this is an alternative to the "pre_filt" option in ObsPy's "remove_response" function. The prefiltering they apply is a cosine filter that is somewhat unusual and provide this option as an alternative. One of the motivations for this is that sometimes the instrument response can radically amplify high-frequency noise near the Nyquist and it is essential to severely suppress the amplitudes within about 20% of the Nyquist prior to removing the response, which is why the default number of corners is so large. Note that this is only Args: st (StationStream): Stream of data. lp_factor (float): Multiplicative factor to get the lowpass corner (flp) from the Nyquist (Fn). Computed as flp = lp_factor*Fn. hp_freq (float): Highpass corner frequency (Hz). corners (int): Number of poles for the bandpass filter. """ # for trace in st: f_n = 0.5 / freqmax = lp_factor * f_n trace.filter( "bandpass", freqmin=hp_freq, freqmax=freqmax, corners=corners, frequency_domain=True, )
[docs] @processing_step def remove_response( st, sensitivity_threshold=10.0, output_as_acceleration=True, pre_filt=True, f1=0.001, f2=0.005, f3=None, f4=None, water_level=60, inv=None, custom_pre_filt=None, config=None, ): """Perform the instrument response correction. If the response information is not already attached to the stream, then an inventory object must be provided. See the "instrument response" section of the manual for more details on how the instrument response is removed. The `f1`, `f2`, `f3`, `f4`, and `water_level` arguments are all handed off to ObsPy's `remove_response` function. If f3 is Null it will be set to 0.9*fn, if f4 is Null it will be set to fn. The `custom_pre_filt` argument is an alternative to using the `pre_filt` argument in ObsPy's `remove_response` function in which the prefiltering is a cosine filter that is somewhat unusual. If `custom_pre_filt` is specified, then `pre_filt` is overwritten to be None, and the prefiltering is applied with the options specified in the `custom_pre_filt` dictionary using a Butterworth filter prior to calling `remove_response`. One of the motivations for this is that sometimes the instrument response can radically amplify high-frequency noise near the Nyquist and it is essential to severely suppress the amplitudes within about 20% of the Nyquist prior to removing the response, which is why the default number of corners is so large. The required keys for the `custom_pre_filt` dictionary are: - lp_factor: Multiplicative factor to get the lowpass corner (flp) from the Nyquist (Fn). Computed as flp = lp_factor*Fn. - hp_freq: Highpass corner frequency (Hz). - corners: Number of poles for the bandpass filter. Args: st (StationStream): Stream of data. sensitivity_threshold (float): Traces will be failed if the overall reported sensitivity differs by more than this threshold (units are percent) when compared to the sensitivity as computed by combining the reported gains of each response stage. output_as_acceleration (bool): For velocity instruments, differentiate the waveform after the instrument response is removed to convert the units to acceleration. pre_filt (bool): Apply a bandpass filter in frequency domain to the data before deconvolution? f1 (float): Frequency 1 for pre-filter. f2 (float): Frequency 2 for pre-filter. f3 (float): Frequency 3 for pre-filter. f4 (float): Frequency 4 for pre-filter. water_level (float): Water level for deconvolution. inv (obspy.core.inventory.inventory): Obspy inventory object containing response information. custom_pre_filt (dict, None): If not None, a dictionary with the following options for pre-filtering. config (dict): Configuration dictionary (or None). See get_config(). Returns: StationStream: With instrument response correction applied. """ # Allow users to specify "None" in the config file. if water_level == "None": water_level = None resp = RemoveResponse( st, sensitivity_threshold, output_as_acceleration, pre_filt, f1, f2, f3, f4, water_level, inv, custom_pre_filt, config, ) return
class RemoveResponse(object): """Class for removing instrument response.""" def __init__( self, st, sensitivity_threshold=10.0, output_as_acceleration=True, pre_filt=True, f1=0.001, f2=0.005, f3=None, f4=None, water_level=60, inv=None, custom_pre_filt=None, config=None, ): self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry() = st self.sensitivity_threshold = sensitivity_threshold self.output_as_acceleration = output_as_acceleration self.pre_filt = pre_filt self.f1 = f1 self.f2 = f2 self.f3 = f3 self.f4 = f4 self.water_level = water_level self.inventory = inv if self.inventory is None: self.inventory = self.custom_pre_filt = custom_pre_filt self.config = config for self.trace in # Select the inventory for this trace self.selected_inventory =, station=self.trace.stats.station,, location=self.trace.stats.location, time=self.trace.stats.starttime, ) if "remove_response" in self.trace.provenance.ids: continue self._set_poles_and_zeros() if self.custom_pre_filt is None: self._set_pre_filt() else: self.pre_filt = None req_kws = ["lp_factor", "hp_freq", "corners"] for req in req_kws: if req not in self.custom_pre_filt: raise ValueError( "Required keyword '{req}' not in 'custom_pre_filt'" ) self._remove_response_selector() def _set_pre_filt(self): self.f_n = 0.5 / if self.f3 is None: self.f3 = 0.9 * self.f_n if self.f4 is None: self.f4 = self.f_n if self.pre_filt: self.pre_filt = (self.f1, self.f2, self.f3, self.f4) else: self.pre_filt = None def _set_poles_and_zeros(self): self.resp = self.selected_inventory.get_response(, self.trace.stats.starttime ) try: self.paz = self.resp.get_paz() self.has_paz = not (len(self.paz.poles) == 0 and len(self.paz.zeros) == 0) except Exception: self.paz = None self.has_paz = False def _remove_response_selector(self): self.instrument_code =[1] if self.instrument_code not in "NH": reason = ( "This instrument type is not supported. The instrument code must be " "either H (high gain seismometer) or N (accelerometer)." ) return trace_sps = self.trace.stats.sampling_rate if self.selected_inventory[0][0][0].sample_rate != trace_sps: reason = "Sample rate is not consistent between data and metadata" return if (self.instrument_code == "H") and (not self.has_paz): reason = ( "Instrument is a seismometer and does not have poles and zeros for " "response." ) return if self.has_paz: try: self._remove_response_has_paz() except BaseException as exc: "Encountered an error when in remove_response: %s. Now using " "remove_sensitivity instead.", str(exc), ) self._remove_sensitivity() else: self._remove_sensitivity() def _remove_response_has_paz(self): try: # Note: rather than set OUTPUT to 'ACC' for seismometers, we are are setting # it to 'VEL" and then differentiating. if self.instrument_code == "H": self.output_units = "VEL" elif self.instrument_code == "N": self.output_units = "ACC" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported instrument code.") self._check_sensitivity_and_units() if self.total_units_match and self.stage_units_match: if self.sensitivity_check_passed: self._remove_response() else: self.warning("Total and stage sensitivities do not match.") if self.instrument_code == "N": self._remove_sensitivity() else: reason = "Total and stage sensitivity mismatch." else: if self.total_units_match: self.warning("Stage units mismatch instrument type.") if self.instrument_code == "N": self.warning("Total and stage sensitivities do not match.") self._remove_sensitivity() else: # To get here, stage_units_match must be False. reason = "Total and stage sensitivity mismatch." elif self.stage_units_match: self.warning("Total units mismatch instrument type.") if not self.sensitivity_check_passed: self.warning("Total and stage sensitivities do not match.") # stage units match, so trust full instrument response. self._remove_response() else: reason = "Total and stage units mismatch instrument type." # Convert from m to cm *= constants.M_TO_CM # Converted to physical units, so this is V1 processing level self.trace.stats.standard.process_level = PROCESS_LEVELS["V1"] # Set units self.trace.stats.standard.units = ABBREV_UNITS[self.output_units] self.trace.stats.standard.units_type = self.output_units.lower() # Differentiate if this is a seismometer if (self.instrument_code == "H") and self.output_as_acceleration: diff_conf = self.config["differentiation"] self.trace.taper(TAPER_WIDTH) self.trace.differentiate(frequency=diff_conf["frequency"]) except BaseException as e: raise e # Response removal can also result in NaN values due to bad metadata, so check # that data contains no NaN or inf values if not np.isfinite( reason = "Non-finite values encountered after removing instrument response." def _remove_sensitivity(self): self.output_units = "ACC" # Should only be called for accelerometers self.trace.remove_sensitivity(inventory=self.selected_inventory) *= constants.M_TO_CM # Convert from m to cm self.trace.set_provenance( "remove_response", { "method": "remove_sensitivity", "input_units": "counts", "output_units": ABBREV_UNITS[self.output_units], }, ) self.trace.stats.standard.units = ABBREV_UNITS[self.output_units] self.trace.stats.standard.units_type = self.output_units.lower() self.trace.stats.standard.process_level = PROCESS_LEVELS["V1"] def _check_sensitivity_and_units(self): network = station = self.trace.stats.station channel = inventory = self.selected_inventory response = inventory[0][0][0].response total_sensitivity = response.instrument_sensitivity.value sensivity_input_units = STAGE_UNITS.get( response.instrument_sensitivity.input_units.lower(), None ) sensivity_output_units = STAGE_UNITS.get( response.instrument_sensitivity.output_units.lower(), None ) if sensivity_input_units is None or sensivity_output_units is None: logging.warning( f"{network}.{station}.{channel} instrument sensitivity is missing units" ) total_sensitivity *= unit_registry.dimensionless else: total_sensitivity *= sensivity_input_units / sensivity_output_units stages = response.response_stages stage_sensitivity = 1.0 * unit_registry.dimensionless for stage in stages: stagenum = stage.stage_sequence_number input_units = STAGE_UNITS.get( stage.input_units.lower(), unit_registry.dimensionless ) output_units = STAGE_UNITS.get( stage.output_units.lower(), unit_registry.dimensionless ) if ( input_units == unit_registry.dimensionless or output_units == unit_registry.dimensionless ): logging.warning( f"{network}.{station}.{channel} Stage {stagenum} missing units" ) stage_sensitivity *= stage.stage_gain * (input_units / output_units) if self.instrument_code == "N": TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS = ( unit_registry.meter / unit_registry.second**2 / unit_registry.count ) elif self.instrument_code == "H": TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS = ( unit_registry.meter / unit_registry.second / unit_registry.count ) else: raise ValueError( "This instrument type is not supported. The instrument code must be " "either H (high gain seismometer) or N (accelerometer)." ) # Is total sensitivity compatible with instrument? If so, convert. if total_sensitivity.is_compatible_with(TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS): self.total_units_match = True total_sensitivity.ito(TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS) else: self.total_units_match = False # Is stage sensitivity compatible with instrument? If so, convert. if stage_sensitivity.is_compatible_with(TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS): self.stage_units_match = True stage_sensitivity.ito(TARGET_SENSITIVITY_UNITS) else: self.stage_units_match = False # Percent difference relative to mean value tsen = total_sensitivity.magnitude ssen = stage_sensitivity.magnitude pct_diff = 200.0 * np.abs(tsen - ssen) / (tsen + ssen) if pct_diff > self.sensitivity_threshold: self.sensitivity_check_passed = False else: self.sensitivity_check_passed = True def _remove_response(self): if self.custom_pre_filt is not None: f_n = 0.5 / freqmax = self.custom_pre_filt["lp_factor"] * f_n freqmin = self.custom_pre_filt["hp_freq"] corners = self.custom_pre_filt["corners"] self.trace.filter( "bandpass", freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax, corners=corners, frequency_domain=True, ) self.trace.remove_response( inventory=self.selected_inventory, output=self.output_units, water_level=self.water_level, pre_filt=self.pre_filt, zero_mean=True, taper=False, ) self.trace.set_provenance( "remove_response", { "method": "remove_response", "input_units": "counts", "output_units": ABBREV_UNITS[self.output_units], "water_level": self.water_level, "pre_filt_freqs": str(self.pre_filt), }, )