
The export command converts saved assessment results from GeoJSON to other GIS format. The command also includes options to select, organize, and rename data fields in the exported files. This page provides an overview of the command’s steps, but see also the Property Guide for detailed information on exporting data fields.

Select Properties

Related settings: properties, exclude_properties, include_properties

The command begins by determining the data property fields that will be included in the exported files. The command begins with the fields listed by the properties setting, and then removes any properties specified by the exclude_properties settings. Then, the command adds in any properties specified by the include_properties setting. You can add properties to these settings using names, prefixes, and/or groups. You can learn more about these selection options here: Selecting Properties.

Order Properties

Related settings: order_properties

Next, the routine reorders the exported properties to group related values together. Properties are grouped as follows, excluding any properties not being exported:

  • Segment_ID,

  • Hazard, likelihood, and volume results – grouped by I15 values,

  • Rainfall accumulations and thresholds – grouped first by duration, then by probability level,

  • Model inputs (in this order),

  • Watershed variables (in this order), and

  • Filtering variables (in this order)

You can disable this reordering by setting order_properties to False. In this case, properties will be exported in the order they are listed. If a property is listed multiple times, then its order will match its first occurrence in the property list. For example, the following configuration lists Segment_ID twice:

order_properties = False
properties = ["Segment_ID", "results", "watershed"]

First, the field is listed by name, and then as a member of the watershed group. In the exported files, Segment_ID will be the first property (rather than with the other watershed variables), because it is first listed by name in the property list.

Rename Properties

Related settings: rename, clean_names

Next, the routine renames data fields as appropriate. The command first applies a default renaming scheme to result fields, which you can disable by setting clean_names to False. The command then applies any user-specified names to the exported fields. You can learn more about renaming options in the Renaming Guide.

File Format

Related settings: format

The export command then exports the selected results to the indicated file format. The command supports many common GIS formats including Shapefiles, GeoJSON, Geopackage, and File Geodatabases. You can find a complete list of supported export formats in the Vector Format Guide.

File Names

Related settings: prefix, suffix

The exported files will be named:

  • segments,

  • basins, and

  • outlets

followed by the appropriate extension for the export format. You can also use the prefix and suffix settings to add text to the beginning and end of the file names. As these are file names, only ASCII letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are permitted in the prefix and suffix. For example, you could use the following configuration:

prefix = "fire-id_"
suffix = "_2024-01-01"

to export files named:

  • fire-id_segments_2024-01-01,

  • fire-id_outlets_2024-01-01, and

  • fire-id_basins_2024-01-01

The exported files will also include a configuration.txt config record, which can be used to exactly reproduce the exported files.