wildcat export


wildcat export [project] [options]


Exports hazard assessment results to GIS file formats. Includes options to select, order, and rename exported properies. Please see the Property Guide and Export Overview for more details.


The options presented on this page will override any associated settings in configuration.py.



Folders in which to search for input files and save exported results.


The project folder in which to export results. If not provided, interprets the current folder as the project folder. If the project folder contains a configuration.py file, then the config file will be used to configure the export.


# Export results
wildcat export my-project

# Export project in current folder
wildcat export
-i PATH, --assessment PATH

The folder in which to search for saved assessment results.


# Export results in a different assessment folder
wildcat export --assessment my-other-assessment

Overrides setting: assessment

-o PATH, --exports PATH

The folder in which to save exported results.


# Save exports to a specific subfolder
wildcat export --exports my-other-exports

Overrides setting: exports

Output Files

Options affecting the names and formats of the exported files.

--format FORMAT

The GIS file format of the exported files. The Vector Format Guide lists the supported format options in the first column. Format names are case-insensitive.


# Export results to Shapefile
wildcat export --format Shapefile

Overrides setting: format

--prefix PREFIX

Prepends the indicated string to the beginning of exported file names. The string must only contain ASCII letters, numbers, hyphens -, and underscores _.


# Add "fire-id" to the beginning of file names
wildcat export --prefix fire-id

Overrides setting: prefix

--suffix SUFFIX

Appends the indicated string to the end of exported file names. The string must only contain ASCII letters, numbers, hyphens -, and underscores _.


# Add "YYYY-MM-DD" to the end of file names
wildcat export --suffix YYYY-MM-DD

Overrides setting: suffix


Options that select exported properties.

--properties PROPERTY...

Properties that should be included in the exported files. May include property names, result prefixes, and/or property groups.


# Export several properties
wildcat export --properties Segment_ID Area_km2 BurnRatio

# Export volumes and CIs using prefixes
wildcat export --properties V Vmin Vmax

# Export property groups
wildcat export --properties watershed results

Overrides setting: properties


Properties that should be removed from the base property list. May include property names, result prefixes, and/or property groups.


# Export watershed variables, except for Segment_ID
wildcat export --properties watershed --exclude-properties Segment_ID

Overrides setting: exclude_properties


Properties that should be added to the property list, after excluded properties have been removed. May include property names, result prefixes, and property groups.


# Export default fields, but exclude watershed variables (except for Segment_ID)
wildcat export --exclude-properties watershed --include-properties Segment_ID

Overrides setting: include_properties

Property Order


Do not reorder exported properties. Properties will be exported in the order they are listed in.

Overrides setting: order_properties


Settings used to rename the exported properties.


Do not rename result properties. Exported result properties will retain the index naming scheme.

Overrides setting: clean_names

--rename FROM TO

Rename an exported property or prefix. Can be used multiple times to rename multiple properties/prefixes.


It’s usually easier to use configuration.py to rename properties. Please see the Renaming Guide for more details.


# Rename "Segment_ID" to "SID"
wildcat export --rename Segment_ID SID

# Rename the "H" prefix to "hazard"
wildcat export --rename H hazard

# Rename a specific result field
wildcat export --rename H_0 Hazard_Legend

# Rename multiple properties
wildcat export --rename Segment_ID SID --rename Area_km2 catchment-size

Overrides setting: rename

--rename-parameter PARAMETER RENAME...

Rename the values associated with a hazard modeling parameter. The PARAMETER input should be the name of the parameter whose values are being renamed. This should be followed by one name per modeled parameter. May be used multiple times to rename multiple modeling parameters.


It’s usually easier to use configuration.py to rename properties. Please see the Renaming Guide for more details.


# Given the following values in configuration.py
I15_mm_hr = [16, 20, 24]
probabilities = [0.5, 0.75]
# Rename a parameter
wildcat export --rename-parameter probabilities p50 p75

# Rename multiple parameters
wildcat export --rename-parameter I15_mm_hr 16mm_hr 20mmh_hr 24mm_hr --rename-parameter probabilities p50 p75


-q, --quiet

Does not print progress messages to the console. Warnings and errors will still be printed.

-v, --verbose

Print detailed progress messages to the console. Useful for debugging.

--log PATH

Prints a DEBUG level log record to the indicated file. If the file does not exists, creates the file. If the file already exists, appends the log record to the end.


wildcat assess --log my-log.txt


-t, --traceback

Prints the full error traceback to the console when an error occurs (useful for debugging). If this option is not provided, then only the final error message is printed.