interface PlotlyLayout {
    angularaxis?: {};
    annotations?: Partial<Annotations>[];
    aspectRatio?: string;
    autosize?: boolean;
    bargap?: number;
    bargroupgap?: number;
        | "overlay"
        | "group"
        | "stack"
        | "relative";
    barnorm?: "" | "percent" | "fraction";
    boxmode?: "overlay" | "group";
    calendar?: Calendar;
        | "none"
        | "select"
        | "event"
        | "event+select";
    colorway?: string[];
    datarevision?: string | number;
        | false
        | "pan"
        | "zoom"
        | "select"
        | "lasso"
        | "orbit"
        | "turntable";
    editrevision?: string | number;
    font?: Partial<Font>;
    geo?: {};
    grid?: Partial<{
        columns: number;
        domain: Partial<{
            x: number[];
            y: number[];
        pattern: "independent" | "coupled";
        roworder: "top to bottom" | "bottom to top";
        rows: number;
        subplots: string[];
        xaxes: string[];
        xgap: number;
            | "top"
            | "bottom"
            | "bottom plot"
            | "top plot";
        yaxes: string[];
        ygap: number;
            | "left"
            | "right"
            | "left plot"
            | "right plot";
    height?: number;
    hiddenlabels?: string[];
    hidesources?: boolean;
    hoverdistance?: number;
    hoverlabel?: Partial<HoverLabel>;
        | false
        | "x"
        | "y"
        | "closest"
        | "x unified"
        | "y unified";
    images?: Partial<Image>[];
    legend?: Partial<Legend>;
    mapbox?: Partial<Mapbox>;
    margin?: Partial<Margin>;
    modebar?: Partial<ModeBar>;
    orientation?: number;
    paper_bgcolor?: Color;
    plot_bgcolor?: Color;
    polar?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar2?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar3?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar4?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar5?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar6?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar7?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar8?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    polar9?: Partial<PolarLayout>;
    radialaxis?: Partial<Axis>;
    scene?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene2?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene3?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene4?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene5?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene6?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene7?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene8?: Partial<Scene>;
    scene9?: Partial<Scene>;
        | "d"
        | "any"
        | "v"
        | "h";
    selectionrevision?: string | number;
    separators?: string;
    shapes?: Partial<Shape>[];
    showlegend?: boolean;
    sliders?: Partial<Slider>[];
    subplot?: string;
    template?: Template;
    ternary?: {};
    title?: string | Partial<{
        font: Partial<Font>;
        pad: Partial<Padding>;
        text: string;
        x: number;
            | "auto"
            | "center"
            | "left"
            | "right";
        xref: "container" | "paper";
        y: number;
            | "auto"
            | "top"
            | "bottom"
            | "middle";
        yref: "container" | "paper";
    titlefont?: Partial<Font>;
    transition?: Transition;
    uid?: string;
    uirevision?: string | number;
    updatemenus?: Partial<UpdateMenu>[];
    width?: number;
    xaxis?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis.autorange?: boolean;
    xaxis.range?: [Datum, Datum];
    xaxis.range[0]?: Datum;
    xaxis.range[1]?: Datum;
    xaxis.title?: string;
    xaxis.type?: AxisType;
    xaxis2?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis3?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis4?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis5?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis6?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis7?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis8?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    xaxis9?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis.autorange?: boolean;
    yaxis.range?: [Datum, Datum];
    yaxis.range[0]?: Datum;
    yaxis.range[1]?: Datum;
    yaxis.title?: string;
    yaxis.type?: AxisType;
    yaxis2?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis3?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis4?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis5?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis6?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis7?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis8?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;
    yaxis9?: Partial<LayoutAxis>;


  • Partial<Layout>
    • PlotlyLayout


angularaxis?: {}
annotations?: Partial<Annotations>[]
aspectRatio?: string

Aspect ratio of plot

autosize?: boolean
bargap?: number
bargroupgap?: number
    | "overlay"
    | "group"
    | "stack"
    | "relative"
barnorm?: "" | "percent" | "fraction"
boxmode?: "overlay" | "group"
calendar?: Calendar
    | "none"
    | "select"
    | "event"
    | "event+select"
colorway?: string[]
datarevision?: string | number
    | false
    | "pan"
    | "zoom"
    | "select"
    | "lasso"
    | "orbit"
    | "turntable"
editrevision?: string | number
font?: Partial<Font>
geo?: {}
grid?: Partial<{
    columns: number;
    domain: Partial<{
        x: number[];
        y: number[];
    pattern: "independent" | "coupled";
    roworder: "top to bottom" | "bottom to top";
    rows: number;
    subplots: string[];
    xaxes: string[];
    xgap: number;
        | "top"
        | "bottom"
        | "bottom plot"
        | "top plot";
    yaxes: string[];
    ygap: number;
        | "left"
        | "right"
        | "left plot"
        | "right plot";
height?: number
hiddenlabels?: string[]
hidesources?: boolean
hoverdistance?: number
hoverlabel?: Partial<HoverLabel>
    | false
    | "x"
    | "y"
    | "closest"
    | "x unified"
    | "y unified"
images?: Partial<Image>[]
legend?: Partial<Legend>
mapbox?: Partial<Mapbox>
margin?: Partial<Margin>
modebar?: Partial<ModeBar>
orientation?: number
paper_bgcolor?: Color
plot_bgcolor?: Color
polar?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar2?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar3?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar4?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar5?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar6?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar7?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar8?: Partial<PolarLayout>
polar9?: Partial<PolarLayout>
radialaxis?: Partial<Axis>
scene?: Partial<Scene>
scene2?: Partial<Scene>
scene3?: Partial<Scene>
scene4?: Partial<Scene>
scene5?: Partial<Scene>
scene6?: Partial<Scene>
scene7?: Partial<Scene>
scene8?: Partial<Scene>
scene9?: Partial<Scene>
    | "d"
    | "any"
    | "v"
    | "h"
selectionrevision?: string | number
separators?: string
shapes?: Partial<Shape>[]
showlegend?: boolean
sliders?: Partial<Slider>[]
subplot?: string
template?: Template
ternary?: {}
title?: string | Partial<{
    font: Partial<Font>;
    pad: Partial<Padding>;
    text: string;
    x: number;
        | "auto"
        | "center"
        | "left"
        | "right";
    xref: "container" | "paper";
    y: number;
        | "auto"
        | "top"
        | "bottom"
        | "middle";
    yref: "container" | "paper";
titlefont?: Partial<Font>
transition?: Transition
uid?: string
uirevision?: string | number
updatemenus?: Partial<UpdateMenu>[]
width?: number
xaxis?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis.autorange?: boolean
xaxis.range?: [Datum, Datum]
xaxis.range[0]?: Datum
xaxis.range[1]?: Datum
xaxis.title?: string
xaxis.type?: AxisType
xaxis2?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis3?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis4?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis5?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis6?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis7?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis8?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
xaxis9?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis.autorange?: boolean
yaxis.range?: [Datum, Datum]
yaxis.range[0]?: Datum
yaxis.range[1]?: Datum
yaxis.title?: string
yaxis.type?: AxisType
yaxis2?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis3?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis4?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis5?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis6?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis7?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis8?: Partial<LayoutAxis>
yaxis9?: Partial<LayoutAxis>