Class Mfd

  • public final class Mfd
    extends Object
    Entry point for creating a magnitude frequency distribution (MFD). An MFD defines the incremental rate of earthquakes at one or more magnitudes. MFD values are backed by an immutable XySequence, however their construction is varied.

    Factory methods are provided to directly create incremental MFD builders for different MFD types. Note that the Mfd.Builder class also includes factory methods to initialize builders from data or a copy of an existing MFD. Once obtained, a builder can be used to scale and shape the MFD prior to calling build(). Example:

     Mfd mfd = Mfds.newGutenbergRighterBuilder(5.0, 7.5, 0.1, 1.0)
         .transform(p -> p.set((p.x() > 6.5) ? p.y() * 0.667 : p.y()))
    In the example above, an MFD with a Gutenberg–Richter distribution of rates is initialized from M=5.0 to M=7.5 with a step size of 0.1 magnitude units. The resultant MFD will have magnitudes [5.05, 5.15, 5.25, ... , 7.35, 7.45] centered on the 0.1 magnitude intervals spanning the magnitude range [5.0..7.5]. The MFD is then scaled to the cumulative rate of 0.02 events/year, and lastly those rates above M=6.5 are scaled to ⅔ of their present value. Note that an MFD builder executes methods in the order defined, so reversing scaleToCumulativeRate() and transform() in the example above results in two different MFDs. Note also that builders are reusable, but any calls to Mfd.Builder.transform(Consumer) can irrevocably change the state of the builder between build() calls.

    MFD Mfd.Properties hold references to the parameters used to initialize an MFD, including its Mfd.Type. Properties objects may be constructed directly and support a Mfd.Properties.toBuilder() method. The the Mfd.Type will be INCREMENTAL if the MFD was created directly from magnitude and rate data or is the result of combining more than one MFD via Mfds.combine(java.util.Collection). Similarly, properties may not align with an associated MFD downstream if a builder initialized with a set of properties has been used to create multiple MFDs with variably scaled rates or transformed in various ways. Note also that when MFDs are combined, the resulting combined MFD will be of type: Mfd.Type.INCR.

    Users of MFDs are encouraged take advantage of the conveniences of the underlying XySequence, especially streaming support. For example, to compute the cumulative rate of events in an MFD, one should use

    U.S. Geological Survey
    See Also:
    Mfds, XySequence
    • Method Detail

      • data

        public XySequence data()
        The immutable values representing this MFD.
      • properties

        public Mfd.Properties properties()
        The properties used to initialize the MFD.
      • create

        public static Mfd create​(XySequence xy,
                                 Mfd.Properties props)
        Create an MFD from the supplied sequence and properties. This method assumes the supplied sequence has been created consistent with the supplied properties. Users will have little use for this method; it is used internally for magnitude array optimizations.
        xy - data to wrap in an MFD
        props -
        IllegalArgumentException - if sequence contains invalid magnitudes (x-values) or rates (y-values) per Earthquakes.checkMagnitude(double) and Mfds.checkRate(double)
      • newSingleBuilder

        public static Mfd.Builder newSingleBuilder​(double magnitude)
        Create an Mfd.Builder for a single magnitude with a rate of one.
        magnitude -
        IllegalArgumentException - if magnitude is outside the range [-2.0..9.7]
      • newGaussianBuilder

        public static Mfd.Builder newGaussianBuilder​(double m,
                                                     int nm,
                                                     double sigma,
                                                     int nSigma)
        Create an Mfd.Builder for a doubly-truncated Gaussian MFD. Gaussian MFDs are typically used to represent aleatory variability in magnitude. When building the underlying magnitude distribution, this implementation rounds each magnitude to 5 decimal places. This implementation constructs a distribution that is m ± 2σ wide and represented by nm evenly distributed magnitude values. The initial distribution integrates to one. The MFD, once built, will be of type: Mfd.Type.SINGLE as it represents a single magnitude combined with a model of uncertainty. In the context of a hazard model, a normal distribution of magnitudes is typically used to represent aleatory variability.
        m - the mean magnitude
        nm - the number of magnitudes in the resultant distribution
        sigma - the standard deviation
        nSigma - the number of standard deviations about m
        IllegalArgumentException - if m is outside the range [-2.0..9.7]
        IllegalArgumentException - if nm is outside the range [1..21]
        IllegalArgumentException - if sigma is outside the range (0..0.5]
        IllegalArgumentException - if nSigma is outside the range [0..5]
      • newGutenbergRichterBuilder

        public static Mfd.Builder newGutenbergRichterBuilder​(double b,
                                                             double mDelta,
                                                             double mMin,
                                                             double mMax)
        Create an Mfd.Builder for a truncated Gutenberg–Richter MFD. When building the underlying magnitude distribution, this implementation rounds each magnitude to 4 decimal places. Note that mMin and mMax define the lowermost and uppermost magnitude bin edges in a magnitude distribution, respectively, and that magnitude values in a Gutenberg-Richter MFD are defined as bin centers. That is, if mMin = 5.0 and Δm = 0.1, the first magnitude in the distribution will be mMin + Δm / 2 = 5.05.
        b - the Gutenberg-Richter b-value
        mDelta - the magnitude step of the distribution
        mMin - the minimum truncation magnitude
        mMax - the maximum truncation magnitude
        IllegalArgumentException - if mMin or mMax is outside the range [-2.0..9.7]
        IllegalArgumentException - if mMin > mMax
        IllegalArgumentException - if mDelta > mMax - mMin
        IllegalArgumentException - if b is outside the range [0..3]
      • newTaperedGutenbergRichterBuilder

        public static Mfd.Builder newTaperedGutenbergRichterBuilder​(double b,
                                                                    double mDelta,
                                                                    double mMin,
                                                                    double mMax,
                                                                    double mc)
        Create an Mfd.Builder for a truncated Gutenberg–Richter MFD with an exponential taper. This implementation uses the scalar seismic moment based distribution of Kagan (2002), Equation 11 (see Mfds.paretoRate(double, double, double, double) for reference) to compute scale factors for each magnitude bin that are then applied to a standard Gutenberg–Richter distribution. When building the underlying magnitude distribution, this implementation rounds each magnitude to 4 decimal places. Note that mMin and mMax define the lowermost and uppermost magnitude bin edges in a magnitude distribution, respectively, and that magnitude values in a Gutenberg-Richter MFD are defined as bin centers. That is, if mMin = 5.0 and Δm = 0.1, the first magnitude in the distribution will be mMin + Δm / 2 = 5.05.
        mMin - the minimum truncation magnitude
        mMax - the maximum truncation magnitude
        mDelta - the magnitude step of the distribution
        b - the Gutenberg-Richter b-value
        mc - the corner magnitude of the distribution
        IllegalArgumentException - if mMin, mMax, or mc is outside the range [-2.0..9.7]
        IllegalArgumentException - if mMin > mMax or mc is not mMin < mc < mMax
        IllegalArgumentException - if mDelta > mMax – mMin
        IllegalArgumentException - if b is outside the range [0..3]