Interface GroundMotionModel

    • Method Detail

      • imt

        Imt imt()
        The intensity measure type (IMT) of this GMM instance.
      • calc

        LogicTree<GroundMotion> calc​(GmmInput in)
        Computes a logic tree of scalar ground motions and standard deviations for the supplied arguments. This method is implemented by GMMs to provide the horizontal peak ground acceleration and (optionally) velocity (PGA, PGV) as well as 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration for periods between 0.01 s and 10 s. For most modern GMMs, ground motions are computed as the average horizontal component (RotD50) but many older GMMs use some other average horizontal measure (e.g. GMRotI50).
        in - a ground motion model input argument container
      • dampedCalc

        default LogicTree<GroundMotion> dampedCalc​(GmmInput in,
                                                   Gmm.Type type,
                                                   double dampingRatio)
        Computes a logic tree of scalar ground motions via calc(GmmInput), and then applies any damping scaling. This method is called by most applications and services.
        in - a ground motion model input argument container
        type - the GMM type
        damping -