# `analyze.splash` The function [`analyze.splash`](#digger.analyze.splash_points.splash) analyzes the relation among the wave travel distance, wave arrival time, and maximum tsunami elevation along the shoreline (or near it) across the simulation domain. This analysis is inspired by Oppikofer et al. (2019). It is called using the following syntax: ```{literalinclude} ../../../../../examples/post-run/barry_arm/setpostprocess.py :language: python :start-after: Block 7 Start :end-before: Block 7 End ``` :::{attention} This code snippet is not fully self-sufficient. This snippet relies on simulation output files. To reproduce the example, execute the file `digger/examples/post-run/barry_arm/setpostprocess.py` from within the directory in which it is located. **Before** the script is executed either the example simulation must be run or the file `digger/data/barry_arm_output.zip` must be unzipped and the resulting directory (`_output`) must be placed within `digger/examples/post-run/barry_arm/`. ::: Running this code snippet generates a diagnostic figure that visualizes the components of the splash function. It also generates a csv file containing the plotted information at the location of the edge coordinates. ```{figure} ../../../../_static/from_examples/scenario.png :alt: Example digger.analyze.splash summary figure. An example of the diagnostic output provided by digger.analyze.splash. ``` **References** Oppikofer, T., Hermanns, R.L., Roberts, N.J., and Böhme, M., 2019, SPLASH: Semi-empirical prediction of landslide-generated displacement wave run-up heights: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 477, no. 1, p. 353–366, .